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Love Poetry has been a very old subject that has been around since the Sumerian Epic of Gilgamesh. Poetry as an art form was invented and perfected for many years since the beginning of the renaissance. Love poetry has been a way for people to express their emotions, confess their love toward the other individual.
Love Poetry
urduhindipoetryworld.blogspot.com provides you with some of the best and most popular love poems ever written in the subject of love poetry. This website not only provides you with love poetry but also with more Poems that have been written by the most popular poets.
Love Poetry
romantic or love poetry was among the last to emerge in the subject of Poetry. They use several techniques in order to create repetitive patterns. Different cultures have different ways of creating poetry, there are many unique styles of poems from many different cultures. There is a way of writing love poetry that is called feet within a line. It is a certain method that involves the arrangement of words into a repetitive pattern
Urdu Hindi Poetry World |
But it has been condemned by poets and Love poetry, translators for almost as long as we have known the written word. Cicero was perhaps the first to do so, though better known is Horace’s admonition to those translating Greek plays into Latin: it should not be done Verbo verbum-word for word. St. Jerome, the great translator of the Bible, agreed: in speaking of Plautus and Terence and their translations from Greek, he wrote: “Do they stick at the literal words? Don’t they rather try to preserve the beauty and style of the original? What men like you call accuracy in translation, learned men call pedantry … I have always aimed at translating sense, not words!’ Centuries later the translators of the King James Bible concurred: “Has the kingdom of God become" words and syllables? Why should we be in bondage to them?t1 Speaking for the centuries between then and now, Dryden, who spent much of his busy life translate, translating, and thinking about translation, spoke for scores of others when he wrote: “The translator that would write with any force or spirit of an original must never dwell on the words of the author!